Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm 13

Wow I feal old and I know that make's my parents feel even worse than me. So the title is the truth I turned 13 yesterday of the 30 of June. I had a really good birthday. My grandparents got me a shirt that is really cute, and a little spending money. My sister Melanie gave me a picture frame, and some money for itunes, and also the most awsome hair cut ever. It is so cute. Last year my parents got me my ipod and I am sure you are thinking spoild brat but I had to pay for half of it so it was fair. This year is the same only my parents got me a wii or are getting me a wii. The store didn't have it when they looked so I get it probably on wensday. They also got me stuff to go along with the games it comes with. My parents are the best I love them so much. In fact that's what i wishes for when I blew out my candles. The best part is I am a teenager now:)


Carolyn said...

Oh my goodness! Happy happy birthday cousin dear. 13 is SO OLD! But, super exciting too. Sounds like you had a pretty neat birfday. When do we get to see pictures of your hair cut?

Leslie said...

Yeah show some pictures spoiled OLD brat.....i mean dear sister!