Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yeah I Know.....

Yes I know I am a horrible blogger. You wouldn't believe how busy I have been..... School, Cross Country (finally over), Marching Band (also over), and a little bit of D.E.C.A. I am sure there is more, I am just trying not to think about all that I have to do. I have been way too busy, but I think that's the way I like it..... doesn't give me much time to be board. School has been going, I am working really hard to try and get all my grades up! I don't have too much longer until the end of the semester! I would say my hardest class the semester is my Intro to Speech class. I have discovered that I am not the best speaker in public! I am working on getting better though, and I am looking forward to my informative speech right after Thanksgiving. I am going to try to put a speech together about how running is beneficial/ healthy for you. All in all school is going pretty good, and I have made a lot of really close friends! I am not sure what I would do with out these friends, and I am so greatfull for them, and all that they do for me.

I just finished up Cross Country a week ago. I am SO sad its over, and I am going to miss it alot!I finished off the season by going to Nike Cross Nationals in Boise. I started off the season by running a low 30 minute 5k. I honestly didn't know if it was really my sport after the first meet, but I told myself that I just had to work harder. Thats what I did and by the Orem meet I ran my fastest time with a 22.46! I was so happy that day. I knew then that I had offically beat Jade's time, and that made me the fastest girl on the team AS A FRESHMAN! After that race, I knew I was going to have to work for it if I wanted to stay on top! I was really looking forward to state, that trip was kind of ruined but I still had a really good time. And I learned that coach knows how to cast your ankles with tape.... HAHA! Needless to say I still have the marks on my legs where the scisors were digging into my leg, trying to get the tape off!

Nationals was great and I had A LOT of fun! Even though I missed my start by a minute and a half it was still way worth going, and I am glad that my dad could take me :D It was really cool seeing the fastest girl run...... My dream is to run a 17.51 before I graduate..... guess I better start running Haha!

I am also particapating in D.E.C.A. Its like buisness prep. We took a trip to Casper for M.E.C this year, and lets say I have never laughed SO HARD in my life. It was a great trip, and I am really glad that I was able to spend it with Kaylee (my ginger). What a great friend she is to me! While at M.E.C. my and Kaylee proved it is possible to stay in an ice bath for 20 minutes. Haha that was a fun time, and too bad the pictures are on my phone, I will have to try to figure out how to get my pictures from my phone onto the computer.

I also am finished with Marching Band..... That was NOT my favorite but I pushed through just because I have to. State marching band was probably the worst trip I have been on it a long time.... It was long and not going to lie it wasn't very much fun. I thought our proformance was awesome and we worked way hard, but the judges didn't agree. We were in those heavy marching uniforms, and the building we were in was HEATED! Its a good thing only about 20 people passed out... not even joking!

I have been busy, but I have had a lot of good times with my friends! Sorry I am trying to be better about updating, and I will try a little harder!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I Know Its Been a While

Okay so it has been a while since I have posted something real!!! I will look for some pictures from the summer but I don't know if I will find some :( So lets see here I will try to tell you all about my summer!
June: Grandpa Jackson died the beginning of June so the day after I got out of school we left bright and early! We spent a week or so up in Washington. It was so nice to see all of the family again. That is really all I did in June (I think don't hold that against me). I just spent some time with friends and what not. Oh ya how could I forget my birthday:D I went to Cowabunga bay with Saige for my birthday (but not on my birthday). Then on my birthday we went down to Orem and spent the day doing some shopping:) For my wonderful birthday I got Rock Band for the wii! It has been so much fun:D
July: We had Parker for 10 days!!! What a fun little boy. It was a fun week and I had a great time with my little nephew:) We went to Boise for little Tuckers blessing! We came back with Leslie and she spent time with my mom while I was at girls camp. I had a really good time at girls camp and I really learned a lot about my self. When I got back I left the next day to go spend some time in Salt Lake with Rikki. It was so much fun and I really got caught up on my Office! This is just the main stuff that I did this summer..... I was almost always gone..... and it was a really busy fun summer! Oh and by the way August 7th was a very laid back day (no wedding!!!) But yup there you have it. My summer in 10 minutes :D

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Don't Know What To Write!!!

Okay, okay I know, I have not been on here in forever! So it has been so crazy lately!!! Just a crazy summer.... but a fun summer too! I really don't know what to say! I am just a boring person what can I say!!! Anyhoo right now I am at Rikki's house. I spending some time with her right now. We went to the fray concert..... and had a lot of fun!!! We got to MEET a new band!!! There name is Meese..... We also got our pictures taken with them, and we got the signitures!!! What a great time!!! Well I really don't know what to say so just to let you know I will right more and suggestions are welcome!!! Because I am just a bum!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Long Few Days

So I will just start with Friday and list everything that has happened.... bare with me there is a lot sorry but it is all important.

Friday-I went to the Mayan for Hispanic Dance reward. We went and had dinner at the Mayan, and went to Night At the Museum: Battle Of the Smithsonian. While we were there we also went to the arcade and played around for a little while. It was a fun day..... just a long one very LONG.

Saturday- Mom comes running into my bedroom around oh say 6:00! Now that is when I wake up in the morning for school NOT ON SATURDAYS!!! Anyhoo she wanted to know if I wanted to come see a baby with her. I looked at my clock and I knew there was only one baby we would be going to see at 6:00 in the morning. That would be LESLIE'S! That is right nephew number two is here! To skip all the boring stuff I am just going to say I was in the waiting room for 12 HOURS!!!!!! It is OK though this baby was well worth the wait! Tucker Jackson Howe got here just barely on the 23rd! He was born at 11:40 P.M.! He is so cute, and I can't wait to get the two cutest nephews ever side by side!

Sunday- We got a call from Uncle Scott that Grandpa Jackson wasn't doing well:( We had two cars in Boise and my dad decided he would go down there since he was already half way. So he went one way in Rory's car and my mom sent me and Rikki home in the Jeep. So my mom was left stranded in Boise with no car. We got back Sunday night about 10:00 and Rikki and I decided that we would party for a while since I don't see her very often so we just watched a movie and made some popcorn. I had a good time with her, and it was nice to spend some time with her!
Monday- Rikki and I spent most of the day with G-ma and G-pa Carpenter. We went to the cemetery over in the valley and Papa showed us around, and showed us some really cool sights that I have never seen. We ate a really good diner over there, that had some of the BEST scones ever! Then we came back and I helped Saige out with her Yearbook and some home work. Then I went out to my grandparents and stayed the night with them, and Rikki went back to Salt Lake.

Tuesday- TODAY!!! I just went to school and what not. It was my last day of normal school. That I am happy about! My dad came back today also.

Tomorrow- I go to Lagoon tomorrow as a REWARD activity for school. Now I ask you why we have to pay if it is a REWARD activity???? Oh well I am looking forward to it and I think I will have a great time!

So as you can tell it has been both happy and sad the past few days. I just so happy to have Tucker here, I can't wait to see him grow!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Scraped Up Knees and Broken Teeth

I should just start out by saying that I have no pictures. I must say I was in no mood to take pictures at that point.

Today I had P.E. (yes I found my shorts mel and now I say unfortunately). It would have been well worth the 0 I must say but today we had to go out and run the mile. So I was already to go. My teacher said go and I started running. Then my leg got caught with a kid who was passing me and I had a little tumble (not little BIG is what I mean) I tried to catch my self but that didn't really work and I just kept going till my face and the concrete met! Well it was more like my two front teeth. Seconds after my tong touched my teeth and OH MY GOSH my two front teeth are half gone! I then spend the rest of my morning in a dental chair getting my teeth rebuilt. I didn't get done till one and was very VERY numb!

It is going to be a long few days till I am not so sore but I will get there some day. I have to wait 8 weeks until I go back. If I have any damage then, I will have to get fake teeth. That is last thing I want so lets just hope together that, that will not happen!

Like I said NO pictures!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I honestly don't know if I can take another 3 weeks of school! I have worked so hard, and I am just wearing down! There is one class especially that I just want to scream. Everyday we get these dumb lectures and they are boing! The other day I was talking to my friend and I had asked her what he was talking about in class. Neither of us knew! How sad is that...... WE BOTH just tunned him out! I mean I don't draw and that is how board I was the other day! I was DRAWING!!!!! Any how though I would get that off of my mind and tell you how bad I can't wait for school to get out!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So I am all done with my dancing. Saturday went well it was a long.... LONG day but I had fun. Friday was a long one to 6 performances in one day! Ugh talk about tired. I still had enough energy though to go set up for Saturday and then go to a party with my friends till 12:00 ish!! That was the best part. It was so much fun to just be around with friends. The only dumb idea was playing night games and then tripping on a rock and bruising my ankle! Luckily it wasn't to bad and I could still dance. I didn't say much because I didn't want to look like a looser... getting hurt right before the big performance. Though I have to say that I don't feel at stupid because my dance partner bruised his too, when we were setting up the night before!! I just so glad it is over with. I must say that I didn't enjoy that class. For reasons I should no go into over the computer!! The worst part was that Saige and I bought flowers for our teacher. Who ended up with the microphone saying thank you and all of that..... well if you guessed those who didn't buy the flowers you are correct! So last night me and Saige got flowers for our students teacher in band and a cake for my band teacher, and we did not make the mistake of telling everyone that we got them!!! Oh ya we are good!

Now for the fun part (the actual title part of this). I got home Saturday night and went to my bedroom and what did I find..... FLOWERS! Rory and Jalee got them for me (I am guessing it was all Jalee's idea). I guess Rory felt a little bad because he wouldn't dance with me! That is OK though because papa (grandpa Carpenter) danced with me and he is a much better dancer any ways! Sorry it took me so long to get pictures posted. My computer was being dumb and wouldn't up load them but I finally got it to work to day. So I thought I would post them while I could!

I really am quite impressed! Good work Jalee I love them. They are so beautiful and they are even better now! I will have to take more pictures! I am afraid you are going to be seeing a lot more pictures because I am really getting into this photography thing!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cheer For Me!!!

So I found out today that before I go make a fool of my self at Cinco De Mayo I will be able to triple jump and run the mile. I am excited but nervous but hopefully I can beet my best time again!! I almost DIED on Tuesday. I went out a little to hard... not to bad but enough that I had to fight it. I took second (this is all about the mile) not by much though. I still beet my best time that day. Now I get to do it again. Hopefully I won't have my self killed by the end of Saturday. I have a feeling this could be a long day!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Am Getting Another Nephew!!!!!

I would just like to tell you that within about four weeks I will have a new baby nephew. I can't wait and I am SOO excited!!!! Leslie do you think you could have him about May 29??? Haha or a Friday would be good!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What Is Going On.......

Well if you would just love to hear my schedule for the rest of the year hear it is (school year that is). I am so busy it is not even funny! So to start with this last week. On Monday I had band tryouts. I was so nervous. I have yet to find out if I made the higher level band (I really hope so Lol). I had a few other things thrown into that week but nothing to important! Next week I have mandatory practice for Hispanic dance (Cinco DE Mayo Saturday!!!!! I am so not Ready) Then I have track practice after that. Then on Tuesday I have a track meet (kemmerer meet got canceled today:( not happy about that). Then I was supposed to have a half day on Wednesday but I will have Hispanic Dance practice till 3:00 so couldn't really make plans for that day. Then I have another HD practice (maybe)... Then Friday JOY I will perform at all elementary schools my school and the nursing home (ugh 6 performances!) Then I will go to practice do a light run and jump. I will then go home crash for an hour and then go to the Machine shop set up everything. Then another busy day I will get up get all my makeup and go run the mile and triple jump with my beautiful makeup done lol that will be a sight to see. Might as well run the mile in my big skirt haha. Then I will find some where to change into my well just call it crap and head down to the machine shop so I can get to the library and lead the parade. Wow I am going to be tired. Then I will work at my booth all day. Dance at 5 and play in the jazz band at 6. Wow this is going to be crazy. It will be about an 8 to 12 or 1 PM day!

Enough about that. It is not as bad after that all I will have is Reality Town, Jazz band performance at lagoon and promotional. Oh ya the planetarium, play and Lagoon again and oh ya the Mayan!!!!!! On top of all of this I have to keep up my grades. If i do this it will be a strait A year! Well if i have not bored you to death yet just right I will give you a whole post on stupid Wyoming weather and how I hate how it ruins most of my plans!!!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Break...... Some Fun News

I don't really have pictures:( SORRY!!!! So for spring break this year we didn't go to Washington like usual. I was sad because I would really like to see grandpa soon. Instead we started by going to Pocatello and stayed with Melanine, and Matt, AND Parker!!! We spent the night with them then went to Boise for Leslie's baby shower (so much fun). We spent a couple of days there and then went back to Pocatello to stay another night (gotta see that baby!) Then we came back today and here I am. It was a long trip but so much fun! We had a great time. I was going to meet Rikki in SLC and spend the weekend with her but it didn't really work out. I kinda slept the whole way home.

So for the fun news!!!!!! Some might know this but others don't. So........ Rory is ENGAGED! It is so weird to think about it but it is true. They are (so far) getting married on August 7th at the Tipanogus (I know I didn't spell that right but oh well) temple. I am way excited for him. Her name is Jalee Hutchinson from Wodruff (I think.... if not Randolph). She is way nice and I am excited for her to be in our family!

More fun news!!!! I am going to be getting a new nephew SOON! I can't wait. I just hope I can go down to Boise when this little baby is born. I cant WAIT!!! Did I say that already.

For those who noticed (most probably have) on my last post I spelled WHY wrong. Yes I know this is spelled wrong and I was just to lazy to go in and change it. Don't worrie I am not that dumb!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this long and most likely BORING post but it has been a while since I have put a post on!!!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Random---- WYH!!!!!!!!!

Ok so I took this pic of Travis for Rory. I wonder to my self WHY he though that was funny. He was trying to hit me with his fish also. EWWW then right after that I had to watch him gut the thing.EWWW again!

Monday, March 23, 2009


I got a new phone today. I am so excited (thank you mom) I love it and wanted to share a picture so here is my lovely phone!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thank You Leslie

I wish the pictures would have turned out better but they look GREAT! Thank you for my pay it forward present and don't everyone who left post yours is comming!

Here they are in the dark. They are so COOL I bet you guys all wish you had these.

Along with my messy dresser they look great. I have this thing about cleaning if you cant tell.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Something Different

Thought I would post some pictures of some recent quilts that I made (by recent I mean within the last two years).

This is one of my favorites. It took such a long time!!!

Ha ha the quilt is upside down. This was just a strip quilt but a fun to make!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Home Improvment and Parker

Oh so cute.

Look who is standing up. This can't be good.

Parker and Grandma during girls weekend...... plus Parker.

Ya that is a wall.... and we cut it down!!!!!

Might as well cut it in half first.

The after math of our MESS!
I promise that our wall is not like that. The red is really nice and I like it. The sun was shining on it just right thought when I was taking the pictures.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pay It Forward

So I got my pay is forward gift!!!!!! There are so great. From the crafty lady Leslie! They are lights with paper boxes around them. I took pictures and I was going to post them but i cant get the computer to read my card so I will have to work on that and post some pictures. I just wanted to say thank you Leslie and the greatest sister you are. I still need addresses from Carolyn and Heather. Also Heather and Sonja need to put the post on their blog so they can get their exciting gift made by the not so crafty lady CAITLYN.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Just a reminder for everyone that put a post on pay it forward (top three) needs to send me and email and also put the pay it forward post on their blog. You need to send me an email with you address. If you don't do these things you wont get your present!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pay It Forward

So, here's how it works-the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive, at some point during the year, a handmade gift from me. What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise! The catch is that you must participate as well. Before you leave your comment, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going (or be lazy and copy and past like I did haha!!). Then come back, let me know you're going to play and sit back and anticipate the arrival or your gift! Please submit in an e-mail or on the comment, your address, if I don't have it already ( :) Remember that only the first 3 comments will receive a gift from me, so be quick!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Summer Plans

I am excited to announce that I will probably be spending most of my summer up at scout camp as an employee. I am actually quite excited. I think it will be a good experience for me. I will have to do things for my self like laundry. That should be interesting. Might shrink a few things. Better be careful. I will be working as a CIT (I think). That is just a first year. I will be doing various thinks like watching the swimmers and making sure they don't drown and be a cook and run the trading post. I am actually looking forward to this. I am only required to work 3 weeks but will probably stay longer. Being away from home will be weird. Hopefully my parents wont miss me too much. Unless nothing big comes up this is how I will be spending most of my summer. No worries Leslie, and Captain I have a week or two before I have to leave for training so I will defiantly come see you. Melanie, Parker, and Rikki. I will make sure I come see you before I leave. I am just so excited!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

MORE Quotes!!!!!

Well just got done shoveling the snow....... And well lets say that brought on some more "QUOTES". That I just have to share with you. None of these are REAL "quotes" just made up by me and they needed a name so there you have.

  • Snow dose not shovel its self.

  • No matter how hard you push the snow you might just have to shovel some out of the way and start again!!!!!

More Quotes/ Questions

So I have a couple more quotes and questions for you. They are mainly all from yesterday.

  • Why do you always drop the bowling ball under presure?
  • Why is it that when you get older you wonder why you fought so much with your siblings


  • The lower your score is in bowling does not make you the winner.
  • Your parents don't really like it when you call their cousins party an old people party.

My parents had a cousin dinner yesterday and my brother and I were making fun of them. Long story but they didn't seem to like it to very much.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Unanswerable Questions/ Quotes

OK so I decided I would start something new!!! I will just list some answerable questions and some quotes that I have made up myself. These are things that I have found out this week or wanted answers for. Enjoy!!!!!!!

Unanswerable Questions-

  • How do 14 year old boys know how bra sizes work???
  • How do 14 year old boys know what a luffa is???


  • It is in fact possible to bowl with a frozen chicken.
  • Your big brother can be a little rough with you at times!!!!

Well there you have it. If you have answers for these questions could you let me know because I would really like to know. These are questions boys answered right in my health class when we were playing a game.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I just have to say I am so excited for this weekend. I have Friday off so we decided that it would be fun to have a girls weekend. Just my mom, sisters, and ME!!! It is so great that all my sisters will be able to be there this weekend. We are going to all meet at Melanie's house and then do what? I have no clue just have fun time being with all of us. There is not much new to tell everyone except the event. I will have to update you on what we do this weekend. Nothing new here just tackling school one day at a time and one homework assignment at a time. The teachers have really loaded it up this week because the quarter ends on Thursday. Not to much this week. I literally come home and spend the time from about 4:30 till about 10:00 or even 11:00!!! I would like to announce through all this homework I have managed to keep strait A's. I am really not sure how. Anyhoo I will leave you with that and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!!!