Monday, December 22, 2008


It is official, if you want to go and get some last minute shopping then plan on waiting in lines and not getting what you want. And of coarse if you live in Utah, Wyoming, or Idaho don't even plan on going anywhere because the weather is crap. Rory was going to go to Cheyenne to take his EMT test but the weather has now shut him down twice. Anyhoo I am very excited for Christmas. It will be very small Christmas just 7 of us. I am looking forward to Rikki being here and we wont have to get her from the airport! My mom and I were going to go to Boise today for Leslie's Ultra Sound but we had to cancel because of the weather. I am sad I wont be able to see them but its probably a good thing we didn't go because we have so much to do still. I really don't know what to say except MERRY CHRISTMAS all blog readers!!!!


Jana said...

I was wondering if you had driven over or not today. Sorry you had to miss the ultrasound. It can snow today and tomorrow but I hope Wednesday is good for traveling to the airport to pick up kids. We still live on the wrong side of the "sister's" and "parley's"!

Chandra said...

It is crappy here too. So much snow and the roads are terrible. Carolyn and Brent will probably be stranded at an airport somewhere. I sure hope not. Have a merry christmas.