Monday, October 27, 2008

Just In Case You Were Wondering

10 Days till Rory Duane Jackson aka Elder Jackson
If you have a loved one just leaving it will be hard but its the best for that person. I know that I have noticed the biggest difference in him. I love him so much and just support your loved ones during this time. It will be so worth it!!!!


Carolyn said...

what day? where? when? time?

Carolyn said...

Oh hooray! I might just show up for that then. :) Tell your mom to email me the details and whatever.

Oh, and, you didn't have to read it all. It was probably way boring. Just things I was thinking about. ha

Leslie said...

So you'll be all excited and loving him till oh...about Sunday when you two are determining whose turn it is to clean the kitchen!?!?! haha! I'll make sure to be around for THAT!

Sonja said...

Rory comes home 2 days after Shaun leaves. Darn, they just miss each other. Thanks for your comment on how much they grow.That was just what I needed!!! Tell your mom hi!!!

Carolyn said...

Leslie, thats pretty much how it was when Kevin got home too. Ha!