Thursday, April 1, 2010


Just a normal day in band!


Carolyn said...


Melanie said...

What the WHAT?!?!? How did this happen?

Chandra said...

This picture made me laugh....and brought back memories. I was at cheerleading practice in highschool and a couple of the boys from the basketball team decided it would be funny to take me down and duct tape my head to the gym floor. OUCH! Duct tape and hair are not a good combination. That really hurt....someday....I don't know when.....I will get Jon Cahoon back for that stunt.

The Jackson Clan said...

Haha it was our April Fools joke on our band director. It was the best! We were acting all normal and he turned around to go in his office and died laughing :) Oh man it was so funny I have a butt shot of the pic too :)